More and more various components are tested on the UT machine delivered by Testia to Daher in December 2017, a few months before inauguration of the new manufacturing plant based in Tanger, Morocco.
The initial request was to allow automatic scanning on any aerostructure made of CFRP (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic) in a 4m x 2m x 2m volume. The resulting machine is very versatile and generic. It is composed of a 6-axis industrial robot, one linear track, one automatic changing tool, and several effectors: one yoke supporting two squirters for thorough UT transmission at two simultaneous frequencies for sandwich components, and two probe holders embedding linear phased arrays for UT pulse-echo of monolithic components. The acqusition software, based on a sequencer which guides the operator with a step-by-step workflow, was specifically customized for the applications. The post-processing software, NDT kit / Ultis, automatically generates reports ready to be reviewed and stamped by UT2 certified operators.
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